Xprinter XP-480B Barcode Printer
The XP-480B can print on labels as small as 30mm by 15mm, and it can also accommodate labels that are as big as 100mm by 150mm.
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The Xprinter XP-480B Direct Thermal Barcode printer is a 4inch Shipping label/Express/Thermal Barcode Label printer that is designed to print shipping labels and barcode labels
This printer is a direct thermal barcode printer…thus it requires no ribbon to print in as much as your label is a direct thermal label.
- Printing method: thermal printing
- Resolution: 203 DPI
- Printing speed: 152 mm (6″) / s
- Printing width: 108 mm (4.25″)
- Printing length: 1778 mm (70″)
- Central Processing Unit: 32-bit RISC CPU
- Communication interface: USB2.0 (standard)
- Printer language: TSPL, EPL, ZPL, DPL
- Media types: continuous paper, gap paper, folded paper, perforated paper, black mark paper
- Power specification: external universal switching power supply / input: AC 100-240V, 1A, 50-60Hz / output: DC 24V, 2.5A, 60W
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